Meet the Media Panel at the Women’s Power Networking: Business Alliance Rally #WPNBAR

On Saturday, May 19th, the Women’s Power Networking (WPN) group hosted the Business Alliance Rally (#WPNBAR) at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. “Women’s Power Networking is dedicated to enabling professional women to achieve their highest potential by fostering a stimulating environment where they can form relationships, build alliances, share knowledge and provide support…

How Pinterest Helps Businesses & Product Marketing

Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized they way and frequency of shared content on the internet. These two social channels account for the majority of user generated content on the web — until now.

Fairly “new” to the social sharing arena is an online community called Pinterest, which allows users to create virtual pin boards where they can “pin” digital content they find interesting, but in an organized and sleek way. This allows their followers to follow not just all of their pins, but the ability to subscribe just the boards most interesting to them.

Digital Healthcare Marketing

As both the current President of the Triangle Interactive Marketing Association (TIMA), and the Marketing Communications Manager at iContact, interesting topics and emerging industry trends are always on my radar in terms of interactive. TIMA has always been an organization focusing heavily on changes in the interactive space, and while healthcare has been a hot topic of…

Presentation for the NCSU Student MBA Association

Article originally published February 7th, 2012, on the blog of James Wong – The Online & Offline Adventures of a Social Entreprenuer. February 7, 2012 | Raleigh, North Carolina — It’s always a pleasure speaking to students eager to learn from experienced marketing professionals, but it’s especially nice to assist faculty at NC State and…

Celebrating Community Manager Appreciations Day (#CMAD)

Article originally published on the blog of James Wong – The Online & Offline Adventures of a Social Entreprenuer. Today, myself and Community Managers all across the nation are celebrating our successes, during the 3rd Annual Community Manager Appreciation Day (#CMAD). This internet-based pop culture celebration was originally founded back in 2010 by Jeremiah Owyang, of…